Submit a Charity or
Not-for-Profit for Consideration
Charities and Not-For- Profits are submitted to 100 Women Who Care Halton Hills by members only. Each member may have one local organization available for consideration at any given time, and the nomination must be made 1 month ahead of the next meeting date to allow for vetting and approval. The process is as follows:
1. Member selects a charity or not-for-profit they would like to put forward for consideration.
2. Member fills out the Charity and Not-For-Profit Nomination Form.
3. The organization is vetted against eligibility criteria and approved.
4. Member fills out Charity/Not-For-Profit Nomination Ballot at meeting registration and puts in the hat.
5. After opening remarks, three charities are chosen out of the hat.
6. Nominating member makes a simple presentation in favour of their charity/not-for-profit.
7. Members vote.
8. Succesful organization receives donation cheques.
9. Member who nominated successful organization is then free to nominate another charity or not-for-profit.
Choose one of 3 methods to nominate - print, complete and email the pdf version or the word version, or complete the fillable form and press the submit button
Charity and Not-For-Profit
Fillable Nomination Form
If the organization you are nominating is a not for profit group, then upload the letters patent for that group here.
This is a registered charity that is able to provide tax receipts to our members.
If selected, someone from the charity/not for profit will be able to speak at our next meeting to describe the impact of the donated funds.
The charity/not for profit agrees not to sell, give or use the 100 Women Who Care Halton Hills contact information for solicitations.
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